Saturday, June 29, 2024

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Voice-Controlled Obstacle-Avoiding Robot Using Arduino and Bluetooth

efy tested robot

We have designed a Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot with the help of Arduino and can be controlled by Bluetooth Also. In short, it is an Arduino based obstacle avoiding + voice control + Bluetooth control Robot.

The smart rover is a versatile robotic platform equipped with Bluetooth and voice control capabilities. The obstacle avoidance mechanism, facilitated by sensors, enables the smart rover to navigate autonomously, avoiding collisions with objects in its path.

The smart rover presents a promising solution for robotics enthusiasts and educators seeking an accessible and engaging platform for exploring concepts of robotics, automation, and artificial intelligence.

Utilizing an Arduino Uno microcontroller, it offers a user-friendly interface enabling remote control via Bluetooth connectivity from a smartphone or other compatible devices. Additionally, the integration of voice control enhances accessibility and convenience in operating the robot.

Fig. 1 depicts the Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot prototype, and the components used to build this robot are listed in the Bill of Materials table.

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Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Fig. 1: Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Bill of Materials
Arduino Uno (MOD1)Microcontroller1
Robot chassis4-wheel drive chassis1
Geared DC motors (M1-M4)5V-6V DC motors4
Servo motor (SM1)Micro geared servo1
Ultrasonic sensor (SEN1)HC-SR041
Motor diver shield (MOD2)L329D1
Bluetooth module HC-05Bluetooth module1
Battery5V DC1
Switch (S1)Switch1
Jumber wiresFor connection30

Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot Circuit

The robot is built around Arduino Uno (MOD1), motor driver shield L329D (MOD2), ultrasonic sensor HC-SR04 (S1), Bluetooth module HC-05, four geared DC motors (M1 through M4), and a servo motor, with additional components such as robot chassis and jumper wires used for assembly.

Fig. 2 illustrates the circuit diagram of the motor driver shield with Arduino Uno, while Fig. 3 shows the motor driver shield with Arduino Uno board.

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Circuit diagram of motor driver shield with Arduino Uno
Fig. 2: Circuit diagram of motor driver shield with Arduino Uno

The motor driver shield (MOD2) does not require wiring with the Arduino Uno; it just fits over the Arduino headers.

Construction and Testing

Install the ‘AFMOTOR’ library in Arduino IDE, select the board as Arduino Uno, and upload the source code. Fig. 5 shows a snippet of the source code.

Motor driver shield with Arduino Uno
Fig. 3: Motor driver shield with Arduino Uno
Voice-Controlled Obstacle-Avoiding Robot Circuit
Fig. 4: Connections Diagram

Upload the source code into the Arduino Uno and interconnect the motor driver shield with it, as shown in Fig. 3. Then, complete the connections of other components with the terminals of the motor driver shield, as shown in Fig. 4. The hardware is now ready to use.

Arduino code for Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoiding Robot
Fig. 5: Arduino Code

Power on the robot and connect the robot’s Bluetooth with any Bluetooth Arduino voice control app on your Android phone. Then, send the command to move forward or backward; the robot will move accordingly. Refer to the link:

Arduino based Voice-Controlled Obstacle-Avoiding Robot
Fig. 6: Arduino based Voice-Controlled Obstacle Avoidance Robot

Now, in the app, set the voice command to send to the robot to move forward and backward. When the command is issued, the robot will move accordingly. If the robot detects an obstacle, it will avoid it and find another available route. The robot can also be controlled via voice using the APK file provided with the article, which can be downloaded with the source code. Fig. 6 shows the author’s final prototype used for testing.

Dr. M. Renuka is Assistant Professor at Vidya Jyothi Institute of Technology, Aziznagar Gate, Chilkur Road, Hyderabad, Telangana. Y.V.D. Kausthubh, P.S. Neeraj, Kotha Chaithanya, Bangari Poojitha, and M. Yamuna are B.Tech students from the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, who have successfully implemented this project.


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