Monday, July 1, 2024

Texas Instruments Energy Tech Seminar 2024

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Discover key insights from Texas Instruments’ 2024 seminar on advancing renewable energy technologies through cutting-edge semiconductor solutions in Delhi.

Texas Instruments Energy Tech Seminar 2024
Texas Instruments Energy Tech Seminar 2024

On June 25, 2024, Texas Instruments hosted an influential Energy Tech Seminar at The Lalit Hotel in Delhi under the theme “Semiconductors for a Greener Future: Texas Instruments’ Commitment to Renewables.” This event showcased TI’s pivotal role in semiconductor innovations, emphasizing renewable energy technologies. The seminar unfolded in two tracks, with my focus primarily on Track 1, which highlighted advancements in energy storage systems and magnetic current sensing technologies.

Opening Keynote: The Evolution of Solar Inverters

Henrik Mannesson, General Manager of Energy Infrastructure at TI, inaugurated the seminar with a keynote titled “Solar Inverters: A Deep Dive into Architectures, Trends, Safety, and GaN Innovations.” His presentation spanned the evolution of solar inverters, various power topologies, and the integration of artificial intelligence for arc detection. Mannesson also discussed TI’s reference designs, providing a comprehensive overview of the current landscape and future directions in solar inverter technologies.

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Henrik Mannesson, General Manager of Energy Infrastructure at TI
Henrik Mannesson, General Manager of Energy Infrastructure at TI

Advancements in Gate Driver Technologies

Following the keynote, Bharat Agarwal, a System Engineer from TI’s High Voltage Controller division, delivered a presentation on “Gate Driver Insights: Isolated, Non-Isolated, and High-Voltage Controller Technologies.” Agarwal offered an in-depth look at high-voltage converters and high-power drivers, emphasizing GaN technologies and their critical applications and topologies. He also outlined TI’s strategic investments in GaN technology, highlighting its potential and efficiency.

Demonstration of reference designs
Demonstration of reference designs

Insights into Current Sensing Technologies

Steve G. Howard, another TI system Engineer, explored the “Current Sensing Landscape: Technology Insights, Cost Factors, Performance Evaluation.” Howard’s session delved into magnetic current sensor technology fundamentals, discussing operational principles, cost implications, and performance metrics. His engaging delivery and deep knowledge earned him widespread appreciation from the attendees.

Enhancing EV Charging Solutions

After lunch, Henrik Mannesson returned to discuss “Tailoring EV Charging Solutions: Design Essentials for L1, L2, and L3 Charging Stations.” This session focused on the intricacies of designing EV charging solutions, touching on aspects like edge processing, connectivity, and high-voltage power conversion, providing vital insights for those involved in developing EV charging infrastructure.

Battery Management Innovations

Terry Sculley, System Engineer for battery Management Solutions at TI, presented “Empowering Energy Storage: Enhance Reliability and Efficiency with Our Battery Management Products.” Sculley’s talk centred on the architecture and design of Battery Management Systems for Energy Storage Systems, offering detailed system examples and reference designs that underscored the robustness and efficiency of TI’s solutions.

Closing Session: Real-Time Microcontroller Applications

The seminar concluded with a session on TI’s C2000 real-time microcontrollers, highlighting their latest features and enhancements. This presentation showcased their applicability in real-time control applications, further demonstrating TI’s commitment to innovative, high-performance technologies in the energy sector.

The seminar comprehensively explored TI’s contributions to renewable energy technologies, reinforcing their commitment to a greener future through advanced semiconductor solutions. The in-depth presentations and discussions underscored the importance of continuous innovation in the field, positioning TI as a leader in the energy technology landscape.

Nidhi Agarwal
Nidhi Agarwal
Nidhi Agarwal is a journalist at EFY. She is an Electronics and Communication Engineer with over five years of academic experience. Her expertise lies in working with development boards and IoT cloud. She enjoys writing as it enables her to share her knowledge and insights related to electronics, with like-minded techies.


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