Saturday, December 21, 2024

Compass Using Indus Board

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A compass is a device used for navigation and geographic orientation. It typically consists of a magnetized needle or another element, such as a compass card or compass rose, which can pivot to align itself with magnetic north.

In this project, we use Indus Board coin to make a compass. We program the board which uses accelerometer and magnetometer readings to calculate the heading of this compass.

Additionally, we use 4 LEDs which glows in the direction of compass, which are connected with four different pins of the Indus board.

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Author’s Prototype

Components required

S. No.NameDescriptionNumber
1.Indus board coin3cm sized dev board1
2.Device (laptop)To program the Indus board.1
3.USB cableRequired to connect Indus board to the device.1
4.LEDs and resistorsTo determine the direction of compass.4
5.Jumper wiresTo connect push buttons to the board.5

Schematic and Real Implementation

Arduino Code

 #include <Wire.h> 
#include <LSM303AGR_ACC_Sensor.h> 
#include <LSM303AGR_MAG_Sensor.h> 
#if defined(ARDUINO_SAM_DUE) 
#define DEV_I2C Wire1 //Define which I2C bus is used. Wire1 for the Arduino Due 
#define SerialPort Serial 
#define DEV_I2C Wire //Or Wire 
#define SerialPort Serial 
// Components 
LSM303AGR_ACC_Sensor Acc(&DEV_I2C); 
LSM303AGR_MAG_Sensor Mag(&DEV_I2C); 
// Function prototypes 
float calculateHeading(int32_t magData[3], int32_t accData[3]); 
const int ledPin_n = 1; 
const int ledPin_e = 2; 
const int ledPin_s = 3; 
const int ledPin_w = 4; 
void setup() { 
// Initialize the LEDs 
pinMode(ledPin_n, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(ledPin_e, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(ledPin_s, OUTPUT); 
pinMode(ledPin_w, OUTPUT); 
// Initialize serial communication 
// Initialize I2C communication 
// Initialize the accelerometer and magnetometer 
if (Acc.begin() != 0) { 
SerialPort.println("Failed to initialize LSM303AGR accelerometer!"); 
while (1); 
if (Mag.begin() != 0) { 
SerialPort.println("Failed to initialize LSM303AGR magnetometer!"); 
while (1); 
// Enable the sensors 
void loop() { 
// Read accelerometer data 
int32_t accData[3]; 
// Read temperature 
float temperature; 
// Read magnetometer data 
int32_t magData[3]; 
// Calculate the heading 
float heading = calculateHeading(magData, accData); 
SerialPort.print("Heading: "); 
SerialPort.print(heading, 3); 
if((0<=heading and 20>=heading) or (340<=heading and 360>=heading)){ 
SerialPort.print(" NORTH"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, HIGH); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, LOW); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, LOW); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, LOW); // pin 2 
else if(70<=heading and 110>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" WEST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, HIGH); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, LOW); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, LOW); // pin 2 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, LOW); // pin 1 
else if(160<=heading and 200>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" SOUTH"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, HIGH); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, LOW); // pin 2 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, LOW); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, LOW); // pin 1 
else if(250<=heading and 290>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" EAST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, HIGH); // pin 2 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, LOW); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, LOW); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, LOW); // pin 3 
else if(20.01<=heading and 69.99>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" NORTH-WEST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, HIGH); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, HIGH); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, LOW); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, LOW); // pin 2 
else if(110.01<=heading and 159.99>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" SOUTH-WEST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, LOW); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, HIGH); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, HIGH); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, LOW); // pin 2 
else if(200.01<=heading and 249.99>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" SOUTH-EAST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, LOW); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, LOW); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, HIGH); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, HIGH); // pin 2 
else if(290.01<=heading and 339.99>=heading){ 
SerialPort.print(" NORTH-EAST"); 
digitalWrite(ledPin_n, HIGH); // pin 1 
digitalWrite(ledPin_w, LOW); // pin 4 
digitalWrite(ledPin_s, LOW); // pin 3 
digitalWrite(ledPin_e, HIGH); // pin 2 
// SerialPort.println(" degrees |"); 
delay(10); // Adjust delay as needed 
float calculateHeading(int32_t magData[3], int32_t accData[3]) { 
// Calculate tilt compensation 
float pitch = atan2(accData[1], sqrt(sq(accData[0]) + sq(accData[2]))); 
float roll = atan2(-accData[0], accData[2]); 
// Tilt compensation 
float xh = magData[0] * cos(pitch) + magData[2] * sin(pitch); 
float yh = magData[0] * sin(roll) * sin(pitch) + magData[1] * cos(roll) - magData[2] * sin(roll) * cos(pitch); 
// Calculate heading in degrees 
float heading = atan2(yh, xh) * 180 / PI; 
// Normalize heading to 0-360 degrees 
if (heading < 0) { 
heading += 360; 
return heading; 

Author(s): Manjeet Vishwakarma,  Abhay Verma and Satywanti Kundu are B.Tech ECE students at GJUS&T HISAR


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