Sunday, October 6, 2024

Entrepreneurs’ Crash Course For Strategic Visibility

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The hustle for visibility is not just about speed, it is also about the right direction. Visibility demands strategic pacing. Assess, pivot if needed, and then sprint.

In the last ten articles, we covered several aspects of business assets, what to build, why, and how to do it. One of the assets we discussed was related to visibility.

Coincidently, as we run a docuseries (documantory-series) on the ‘Visible Founders,’ I had this experience up close and personal in many instances. It is about how businesses, especially startups and small-to-medium-sized companies, approach this opportunity. Many people treat it like a paid marketing opportunity, and that is where it gets set up to eventually fail. The fundamentals are missed, basic common minimum expectations are misunderstood, and, more importantly, things start moving faster but in the wrong direction.

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Here are seven reasons why that happens and how to fix it.

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