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Building Fastest Finger First Indicator With Arduino
Fastest finger first indicators (FFFIs) bring precision to quiz games, measuring contestants’ reaction times with accuracy. Supporting up to eight teams, the system identifies...
All-In-One Starter Kit For Arduino And Electronics
Perfect for beginners, this all-in-one package includes essential components like sensors, relays, LEDs, and more, making it ideal for hands-on learning and creative DIY...
Arduino based Soccer Robot with Android Control
This soccer robot can move forward, reverse, forward-left, forward-right, reverse-left and reverse-right with the help of an Android phone.
Control Appliances With A PC Using Visual Basic And Arduino
This Windows-based program, created with Microsoft Visual Basic (VB6), features an intuitive user graphic interface (UGI) and operates seamlessly on the Windows platform.
Make An Arduino-Based Wireless Frequency Meter
This project demonstrates an Arduino-powered wireless frequency meter that can measure the frequency of sinusoidal AC transmissions ranging from 50Hz to 3kHz. Figures 1...
Arduino based Window Alarm Annunciator
Presented here is a window alarm annunciator based on Arduino Uno board. An annunciator is mainly used in process plants, power plants and industries...
Smart GPS Tracker using Arduino: Ensure Safety for Kids and Vehicles
Today, we’re going to build a smart gps tracker using Arduino that can help you keep tabs on your child’s location – and as...
Arduino-based Sewer Drain Shield for Smart Cities
Drainage systems are vital for storm water management but often transport pollutants, especially plastics, to rivers and oceans, harming ecosystems. Traditional sewer cleaning methods...
Flame-Sensing Fire Alarm Using an Arduino Nano
Fire safety alarms are crucial in both residential and industrial environments. Early fire detection can prevent significant damage and save lives. Flame sensors offer...
Arduino Device to Control Appliances Wirelessly
Creating a Bluetooth-controlled device with an Arduino Uno and an HC-05 Bluetooth module enables control of lights or even relays to manage AC appliances...