EFY Circuit Hunter Challenge July 2016

Here are the questions for the Circuit Hunter Challenge of July 2016. All the best at your attempt to win Rs. 6,000! If you want more details about the challenge, read our post here.

Question 1:

This circuit turns on the lights at the car parking or other areas when a motorbike or car enters through the gate to cross the sensing area. Given below is the transmitter circuit, can you find out the receiver circuit?

Fig. 1: Transmitter circuit
Fig. 1: Transmitter circuit

Question 2:

Can you find the name of the Circuit?


Hint: I am useful during blackouts

Question 3:

What are IC1 and IC4?

64C_Fig_1Hint: I am your Electronic Nursing Assistant.

Question 4:

Given below is the block diagram, find the circuit.


Question 5:

Given below is the component layout, find the circuit:


Hint is in the image itself.

Enter answers to the 5 questions here:

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