Electronics For You Design Contest

An initiative to recognise and reward good electronics talent from India.

A design contest that is open to all Indians, who want to showcase their talent in designing electronics and embedded systems projects. Whether you are an industry-professional, an academician/faculty, or a budding techie–you now have an opportunity to showcase your talent to the whole of India, and the world.

To make the start simpler, we invite you to innovate and improve some of the DIY projects already published on electronicsforu.com, and make them as industry-ready as possible.

You have the option to select any project from the options provided. You can also choose to work on multiple projects and submit multiple applications.

Reward & Recognition

For each project

  • Rs 15,000 for BEST + photo and mention in magazine & website
  • Rs 5,000 for next 2 + photo and mention in magazine & website
  • Certificate for Recognition of Tech Skills for all projects that are accepted for review.

Frequently Asked Questions & Answers

Here’s the FAQ. But if we missed something, feel free to ask at [email protected]…

Q. Can I do multiple submissions for a contest?

A. Yes, but only one entry is selected as the winning entry.

Q. How will I know that my submission has been successfully submitted? 

A. We will inform you via an email within 2 working days of your submission, if not sooner.

Q. How will I submit my entry?

A. Fill the form at end of the page and provide the details and link to your project which may be uploaded on any Cloud Drive you have access to (ex: Google Drive, DropBox, etc).

Q. Can I participate in this project as a team?

A. Yes, you can. We will recognise a maximum of 4 people in any team. However, the award money will remain the same, and will be paid to team leader who may divide it further. 

Q. What are the timelines?

A. Please refer to ‘The Schedule’ on the main page, where all details have been shared.

Q. Are there any resources provided for us to get some reference from, like a starting point?

A. Yes, we have tried to provide Reference DIYs for all projects. 

Q. Do I have to work on the Reference DIY project or can I design from scratch?

A. You can design from scratch too. There are no restrictions on your ability to innovate.

Q. Is there any restriction with respect to which components can we use for our submissions? Or can we optimize its cost by using cheaper hardware and modules?

A. We have no restrictions. Feel free to choose any components, boards or software tools. The cheaper you make the bill-of-material (BOM)–the better it is for all of us.

Q. Who owns the IP/copyright of the submitted design?

A. You own the copyright and IP of the design. But, EFY will automatically get permission to publish the entire design with documentation on its website and/or magazine while attributing the copyright to you, as the author. EFY will be free to modify the content too, to suit the interest of its audience.

Q. I am based outside INDIA, can I submit an entry too?

A. Sorry, for starters this competition is restricted to residents of India. Soon, we will expand its scope to cover audiences across the globe. 

Q. What are the basic criteria for judging the winners?

A. As indicated in our mission statement, we will evaluate submissions based on:

  1. Innovation

  2. Improvement

  3. Industry Readiness

  4. Cost Optimisation

  5. Quality of Documentation and Demonstration of Project

We may add more criterion if we feel the need, while doing the final evaluation.

Q. I have submitted my entry but I want to revise my contest entry and resubmit with an updated version.Can I do this ?

A. Yes, you can update and resubmit your entry, as many times as you want, before the end of Submission date. You can update the entry in Google form.

Geographic Limitations

For residents of India only

The Schedule

Submissions: 7 Feb – 20 April 2022
Review: 21 Apr – 29 Apr 2022

Submissions are under review

Results will be announced by or before 7th of April

Contest #1: Innovative Drones

Re-design this drone DIY and do some innovation with the project, modify it as you wish. Make a working prototype of the drone and share it with us while highlighting what improvements or innovation have you done…

Few examples of what you can do:

  • Autonomous drone that can track wildlife
  • Lidar land scanning with a drone
  • Optimize the design of drone to lower the cost and/or weight of drone
  • Mission planning based drone survey food delivery

For Reference:

Contest #2: Control Your PC By Your Thoughts

Use this DIY project as a reference. Develop a brain-controlled solution which will enable users to control a PC via their thoughts. Use any EEG sensor, improve and/or innovate. Reduce cost. Make it more industry-ready.

Here are few examples you can do with it:

  • Use EEG signal and eye blink combination to open or close application
  • Make a GUI that can control motor or webpage or do some kind of inputs using brain
  • Make EEG based Keyboard that can type using brain signal
  • Control Cars or Drone motors using EEG

For Reference:

Contest #3: Smart Wearable Ring

Use this two-part DIY project (#1 and #2 in Reference) as a starting base. Redesign and innovate to create a smart wearable Ring. You may totally ignore this design too and design from scratch. Look forward to some super smart Rings which the industry can start manufacturing…

Few examples of what you could do:

  • Add cryptography or algorithm to make it more secure
  • Re-innovate its circuritery and design add more functions to it like getting pulse and SPO2
  • temperature reading from ring
  • ADD BLE-powered SOS system in the ring

For Reference:

Contest #4: Wearable AC-cum-Heater

Develop a working prototype of a wearable AC-cum-heater. Can refer to this DIY as a starting point. Optimize its design and reduce its cost. Make it more industry-ready. You can even change the basic cooling system by exploring the possibility of using a CFC compressor-based cooling module.

Few examples of what you could do:

  • Redesign and add more function to it like body temperature regulation using sensor feedback
  • Re-innovate the cicutery to optimize the power usage test the circuit find error in circuit correct it.
  • Re-innovate its circuritery and design add more function to it like getting pulse and SPO2 temperature reading from ring
  • Add the power reversing system in circuit so it start heating in cold and cooling in win summer

For Reference:

Contest #5: Wireless Power Transmission Tile

Design a working prototype of a wall-tile that can transfer power to a gadget or an appliance. Again you may refer to this DIY project as a reference to start with. And, then make it better, cheaper, more efficient, and more industry-ready.

Few examples of what you could do:

Automate power-on wherein it automatically turns ON when it detects a device on the wall.
Enable to handle higher power appliances and gadgets such as television, 3D printers, etc.
Add automatic power-need detection and transfer only that amount of power that the device needs.

For Reference:


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