Thursday, December 19, 2024

First Responder Smart Tracking Contest

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About the Challenge

The FRST Challenge aims to bring together leaders in technology, entrepreneurship, and public safety to bring effective and practical 3D tracking solutions to market.

In this challenge, you will explore how 3D tracking technology can be used in high-stress, time-sensitive environments. Understanding a responder’s location in all three dimensions is invaluable to first responder coordination and safety. Successful participants will produce a technology that can track first responders to <1 meter accuracy in three dimensions, with no pre-deployed infrastructure and in a variety of non-ideal environments. It is essential that the solutions developed and submitted in the final phase of the competition meet the diverse needs of first responders and are affordable.

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It is a call for innovators to join the FRST Challenge to develop a system of tools and technologies to help first responders. You will ensure communities are safer and public safety professionals are more prepared to handle crisis situations.


Whether a team of one or a group, start developing your whitepaper due in mid-January 2022.

First Phase Applications Due 17 January 2022
Second Phase Applications Due 11 April 2022
Third Phase Applications Due 18 July 2022
Fourth Phase Live Field Testing 7-11 November 2022
Fifth Phase Advanced Live Field Testing 3-7 April 2023


A total of up to $5.6 million in prizes and support funding will be distributed across all five phases to support participants as they purchase materials, form teams, and create partnerships to develop their innovation. Prize money grows as teams advance through each phase, and several winners will ultimately be selected in Phase 5 to receive the largest cash prizes.

Participants can register here.










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