Friday, September 27, 2024
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New Facial Recognition Smart Glasses For Visually Challenged Person

In this project, we will be making a prototype of a smart eyeglass that can help a visually challenged person to recognize the person...

Make This Simple Tester For Operational Amplifiers

This is a simple tester with square-wave oscillator for single and dual operational amplifiers (op-amps). These op-amps are widely used in different projects. You...

Automatic Ambient Light System With IoT Home Automation

Wouldn’t it be amazing if our room light automatically adjusts its brightness according to our needs? Or if we can control the brightness of...

Optical-Fibre Solutions For Future Data Centres

With continued expansion and growth in the data centre, a well-planned cabling infrastructure is critical for both present and future success. Fundamental concerns that...

Electric Aircraft That Emits Zero CO2 And Protects The Environment

Aiming to overturn the damage caused to the environment, the aircraft is a novel initiative for promoting green aviation Rolls-Royce, one of the world’s leading...

Automation In Inventory Management

Machine learning can help manage inventory far more efficiently by constantly tracking existing stock in the warehouse, its expiration date and forecasting future demands. Manufacturers,...

Impact of Solar Energy On Rural Development

The biggest change required is for governments to view mini-grids as complementary to traditional electric utilities, and not in conflict with them. The seventh UN...

City-Scale Surveillance Being Powered by AI

Implementation of surveillance and security sector technologies must be robust, reliable and address real customer challenges. China’s controversial deployment of an artificial intelligence (AI)-powered mass...