Wednesday, January 8, 2025
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How to design and develop impressive wireless products

Dilin Anand and Abhishek Mutha of EFY spoke to Badri Kothandaraman, Executive Vice President of Data Communications Division and head of Cypress Semiconductor India...

Programmable System on Chip (PSoC®) gives you flexibility to create an awesome product, without...

Dilin Anand and Abhishek Mutha of EFY spoke to Badri Kothandaraman, Executive Vice President, Data Communications Division, Head of Cypress Semiconductor India about wireless...

“Security is a real need in a smart grid, which is currently not adequately...

Smart grid technology blends communication technologies with the power grid to create a whole new smarter grid that intelligently improves efficiency and reliability. David Andeen,...

India Turning into R&D Powerhouse

Today, India is looked at as one of the cheapest R&D destinations with highly talented engineers. The setting up of an R&D base by...

“WLAN Testing and Associated Challenges”

Ashwin Gopinath of EFY asked industry experts four questions on WLAN testing. This special interview clubs their responses and gives you the big picture....

Test and Measurement of RF/Wireless Systems

More and more devices today have RF wireless circuitry inside, whether it is something obvious like a cell phone or something as innocuous as...

Key inflections points in semiconductor space, its emerging technologies and an alternative to Silicon

As we advance from one generation of technology to the next and develop smaller, faster and more functional chips, there are key inflection points...


The AVR 8535 microcontroller and its new version ATmega8535 are versatile, high-performance but low-cost chips. This article series covers typical applications of this processor...

Surface Mount technology trends in India

DECEMBER 2011: Surface-mount technology (SMT) is one of the key factors for the shrinking electronics system-level packaging. The key drivers for SMT in India...

Multi-Core and other trends in the embedded World

Gone are the days when embedded systems were a part of complex industrial and defence equipment alone. Today, these have found place in washing...