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“Analog has become the new buzzword for designers who look for efficient features when...
With the growth in demand of modern day electronics, analog has now become the new buzzword for design engineers who are on the lookout...
Robot Mules, Birds and Snakes Helping on the Warfront
MARCH 2012: Arecent newspaper headline blared: “Humans lose, robots win in Pentagon’s new defence budget.” The story was about US president Obama’s decision to...
All About Transferring Power Wirelessly
One of the biggest challenges before consumer electronics makers today is to increase the battery life of their devices on a single charge. As...
Semicon IP: For Improving Productivity
The intellectual property (IP) can be in many different shapes and forms: software, hardware, on-chip, on-board, soft IP, hard IP, design IP, verification IP,...
Challenges In Designing with International Certifications in Mind
Radiative immunity test. The Raspberry Pi is at the front right corner of the table. The video camera at the left is for monitoring...
Cable Tester
Have you ever wondered if a particular cable is delivering mains power supply to your device or not? Here is a solution that helps...
What’s New in SPICE?
Not many EDA tools get a chance to celebrate their 40th anniversary. SPICE circuit simulator, first released for the public in 1972, is one...
Multiprocessor Holds Promise for Tablets: Stamp Computers
The STAMP journey began in 2009 as a quest to create a low-cost multimedia device for applications like Internet radio, Internet photo frames and...
“Today We Are In A Phase Where Haptics Is Necessary”
Designs and Projects Development designs and develops products a variety of products focusing on haptics and mobile robotics. They have haptics based products targeting...
JavaScript Based Man-Demon Puzzle Simulator
Man-demon puzzle is like a classic river-crossing puzzle. The missionaries-cannibals—one of the river-crossing puzzles—is a well-known game problem in artificial intelligence, where it is...