Friday, January 10, 2025
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Internet of Things and Big Data: Predict and Change The Future

Dilin Anand and Anagha P Branded as the most over-hyped technology by Garner’s hype cycle report, the Internet of Things (IoT) has seen a large...

8 Female Engineers From History You Never Knew About!

You know who Thomas Edison and Alexander Graham Bell were, but do you know the female engineers who invented bulletproof vests to windshield wipers?...

“Indian automotive engineers are gaining significant ground…”

This interview takes a look at the automotive design scene in India and how it has evolved over the years with the presence of...

Create PostScript And Netlist Using XCircuit

With so many design tools and features, it is really difficult to identify which design tool to select without knowing about its features, working...

XBee-Controlled Aircraft

The aim of this project is to develop a 4-channel wireless remote control (RC) system with one XBee each in transmitter and receiver. This is...

Variable DC Power Supplies

Variable power supply is generally the first equipment to find its place on an electronics engineer’s desk. It is undoubtedly the most popular test...

Kits That Maketh Robots

Remember your first toy kit with which you built a motor-run fan or lit a bulb using pencil cell batteries? Robotic kits are advanced...

Signal Generators

Many engineers believe that all their design and testing requirements are met just by acquisition instruments like oscilloscopes and logic analysers. But a measurement...

How to Select the Right RFID Modules

In recent years RFID technology has been largely adopted by the industry to speed up handling of manufactured goods. Unlike barcodes, the technology has...

“At 20nm, chips have features sized ten times smaller than the wavelength of laser...

While EDA has not been traditionally valued as highly as apps and online networking companies, the scenario is changing thanks to the rapid pace...