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Handling 20nm Design Challenges
1. Complex double-patterning lithography
Complex double-patterning lithography in 20nm process requires rule-aware placement and routing in order to ensure the ability to colour mask correctly...
Broadband over Power Lines
Despite the proliferation of broadband Internet technology in the last few years, many regions of the world, particularly rural and low-income areas, still do...
Handheld Digital Multimeters
There are hundreds of companies around the world manufacturing digital multimeters. Each of them offers several models with slightly different specifications. If judged visually,...
What’s New in Software Design Tools for Embedded Systems
Since hardware designs are now being churned out in large numbers, it has become challenging for designers to increase the adoption rate and at...
Part 1 of 3: The Electronics Behind Big Guns
From the birth of the gunpowder-warfare era, soldiers have been incrementally striving for bigger, more powerful and more accurate guns. Their quest has resulted...
The Robots’ Guide To World Domination
Only five countries in the world actually voted in favour of banning autonomous (a.k.a smart) killer robots at a recent UN convention. This could...
“Many activites in automotive sector continue to be influenced by Indian engineers”
This interview takes a look at the automotive design scene in India, and how it has evolved over the years with the presence of...
A New Government, a New Vision IoT
The talk of the town is Internet of Things (IoT) and the advances it has pushed in every sector has given us amenities like...
Simple Low-Power Audio Amplifier
The small-signal amplifier is generally referred to as a voltage amplifier because it usually converts a small input voltage into a much larger output...
Part 3 of 4: Defence Lasers and Optronic Systems: Semiconductor Diode Laser Electronic
While semiconductor diode lasers, or simply laser diodes, are extensively used in a range of laser devices intended for tactical military applications, such as...