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How Haptics Can Help Your Project
Fundamentally, haptics is any form of non-verbal communication involving touch. Shaking hands when you greet someone is a haptic custom originated from western countries....
Artificial intelligence meets the real World
The word ‘robot’ originates from the Czech word for forced labour or serf. It was introduced by playwright Karel Capek, whose ficional robotic inventions...
Robot Mules, Birds and Snakes Helping on the Warfront
MARCH 2012: Arecent newspaper headline blared: “Humans lose, robots win in Pentagon’s new defence budget.” The story was about US president Obama’s decision to...
If The God of Technology Made A Wish-List for New Year…
This is what it would look like. These innovations not just demonstrate brilliance in science and technology but also a social spin and street-smart...
Robot that can walk and jump on water
Chinese researchers have developed a microbot that can repeatedly jump across the surface of water without tanking. The researchers team from School of Chemical...
“Today We Are In A Phase Where Haptics Is Necessary”
Designs and Projects Development designs and develops products a variety of products focusing on haptics and mobile robotics. They have haptics based products targeting...
Under the hood of the “7 minutes of terror” on Mars
Wind River, a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel Corporation, is a major player in embedded and mobile software. Wind River has been pioneering computing...
VxWorks allows control of a computer with split-second accuracy
Wind River, a wholly owned subsidiary of Intel Corporation, is a major player in embedded and mobile software. It has been pioneering computing inside...
New T&M Devices
JUNE 2009: The need for test and measurement (T&M) is across industries. Whether in automotive or manufacturing plants, engineers and scientists need flexible, cost-effective...
JavaScript Based Man-Demon Puzzle Simulator
Man-demon puzzle is like a classic river-crossing puzzle. The missionaries-cannibals—one of the river-crossing puzzles—is a well-known game problem in artificial intelligence, where it is...