Wednesday, September 18, 2024

“EV Industry’s In The Compounding Stage Of Battery Cell Technology”

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As sodium-ion battery packs gain attention in India, does this spell a bleak future for lithium-ion batteries? Furthermore, where does hydrogen stand as a fuel cell and combustion fuel? Dr Yashodhan Pramod Gokhale, CTO of Battrixx, weighs in

Dr Yashodhan Pramod Gokhale, CTO of Battrixx,

Q. How do you see the evolution of India’s commercial electric vehicle space?

A. The evolution so far has been positive. Various factors are at play, but all stakeholders are interconnected in some way.

Q. How do you compare battery swapping to battery charging in the commercial electric vehicle industry?

A. Commercial two- and three-wheelers have emerged as prime candidates for battery swapping in both Indian and global markets. This trend has also reached individual users within these categories.

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Recently, we have observed the emergence of battery swap ecosystems in China’s commercial trucking sector, a previously unforeseen use-case. With the saturation of the two- and three-wheeler market in India, the next phase will likely focus on energy storage solutions.

Q. Battery swapping in trucks! Does electric make sense for long-haul vehicles?

A. It is highly likely that what we have witnessed in the electric two-wheeler industry will be replicated in the LCV and long-haul commercial vehicle sector. Presently, the top-selling E3W OEMs offer models priced below ₹500,000. As technology gains traction in larger vehicle segments, prices are expected to align with those of internal combustion engine counterparts. Furthermore, government mandates, both at the national and state levels in India, will drive increased adoption of electric fuel in large haul vehicles.

Q. Would a lot of the players not incline towards hydrogen as a fuel in the near future for this category?

A. Working with various organisations on hydrogen fuel cell technology, I have observed that importing fuel cells comes at a hefty price—typically five to six times higher than conventional EVs. Despite the allure of a Pune to Mumbai journey via a hydrogen fuel cell bus, the challenges of storing hydrogen pose significant risks, given its explosive nature. In contrast, as lithium prices decrease, it remains the preferred choice in EV and battery storage sectors, overshadowing other alternatives.

Q. But hasn’t sodium-ion recently made big news in India?

A. Over the next decade, lithium will experience the highest rates of adoption in EVs. Sodium faces a significant challenge with high temperatures, resulting in fewer cycles compared to lithium batteries. Additionally, the process of homologating a new technology involves substantial investment of money, effort, and time. This lengthy process often lags behind advancements in already homologated lithium-ion technology.

Q. Can the lithium battery industry grow in India without having a cell manufacturing ecosystem here?

A. While many battery makers currently import cells from around the world, efforts to establish cell manufacturing capacities are underway in India. Government schemes have been announced, and major corporations such as Reliance and Adani have unveiled their plans in this regard. Although achieving significant yield will require four to five years, this investment is necessary to foster a robust market and ecosystem for EVs in India.

Q. If these are not able to match prices of what they get from say China, why would battery OEMs buy locally from India?

A. Today, the taxes and the duties levied on importing these are low. Tomorrow, when India has the capability to manufacture these at par with the quality available from outside, there could be a revision to these taxes and duties. Moreover, the patriotism that is now spreading will definitely encourage Indian companies to buy from other Indian companies.

Q. Why do that, if we can actually make batteries from cells sourced from outside India?

A. The effectiveness of EV batteries and BMS hinges on their ability to adapt to local climate conditions. Success in one region does not guarantee success elsewhere. Given geopolitical factors, it’s imperative for us to develop self-sufficiency in addressing these challenges.

Q. Speaking of self-reliance, would switching to sodium tech mean taking a step towards the same?

A. Sodium ion technology is now transitioning from the lab to testing and manufacturing stages. While companies like Tesla, Panasonic, Samsung, and LG have dedicated over two decades to lithium technology, only a few have replicated their success. Despite openly available manufacturing recipes, achieving the same level of success remains a challenge.

For instance, many battery OEMs offer warranties of over 6000 cycles, which is impressive. Until we witness a solution successfully enduring 100,000km on the road in temperatures ranging from -5 to 50 degrees Celsius, we cannot claim to have found a viable alternative.

Q. Do you see other bottlenecks in sodium-ion tech?

A. There might be a ton of supply chain challenges. Good technology does not mean a good supply chain. For example, hard carbon is a significant challenge hovering over the sodium-ion ecosystem. Reproducibility is also a challenge at the moment. A 100,000km during five years means 5000 cycles, which is also a significant bottleneck.

Q. Is there a difference in the way of designing LFP and sodium-ion packs?

A. The process remains largely unchanged for battery pack manufacturers. Instead of cells featuring LFP, they will now feature sodium ions. Whether cylindrical or any other form, the manufacturing process remains consistent. Setting up sodium-ion battery pack manufacturing won’t require additional investments, but there will be a need for battery cooling systems.

Q. Where do the hybrids fit in these sodium-ion calculations?

A. Implementing sodium-ion batteries in hybrid vehicles remains a distant possibility at present. Cost is a significant factor in hybrid vehicle setups. For individuals commuting 50km daily, traffic consumes a substantial portion of their vehicle’s energy, be it fuel or electric. What is needed in India is the development of compact electric cars that offer excellent value for money.

Q. What about hydrogen as a fuel?

A. Hydrogen as a fuel holds immense promise for the future. However, its primary challenge lies in storage. Managing a highly volatile liquid under pressures ranging from 300 to 700 PSI poses significant hurdles. Only a few companies worldwide have developed Type 3 and Type 4 cylinders for hydrogen storage, all located outside India. Importing these cylinders would incur substantial costs. It is crucial to remember that environmental conservation initiatives must also offer cost benefits to resonate with people.

Mukul Yudhveer Singh
Mukul Yudhveer Singh
Mukul Yudhveer Singh is an Editor at EFY. He’s an experienced business journalist who is both an enthusiast and a cynic of technology. Believes in data, as well as hunch-based journalism. He defines journalism as- reporting facts which help the audience take their own decisions, not ones that influence them!

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