Thursday, October 17, 2024

Workshop – “Get Tagged: Does NFC and RFID excite you?”

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IOT NCR is a not-for-profit community for IoT learning and sharing and has been organising various events and workshops for spreading the knowledge of IOT. Yet again, this group is coming up with an exciting workshop which is based on RFID and NFC.

This will be a full day workshop and industry veterans with more than 15 years of experience will dissect the concepts of a “Smart Poster’ and ‘ Assets Tracking’ with the help of use cases.

Don’t miss the chance. Register yourself here.


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What will you gain?
1) Know about RFID and NFC in & out
2) Learn how to make Smart Posters and Assets Tracking devices
3) Learn how to yourself program your RFID and NFC
4) Network with like minded IOT lovers
Event Date : 28th May 2016 
Venue : Nagarro, Gurgaon



  1. IoT NCR is growing exponentially with the support of IoT evangelists.
    The idea of workshop and collobrative learning is great to give a kickstart for learners.
    Its an excellent social intiative for the uplifment of IoT related skills among all IoT enthusiast.

  2. RFID have become a part of our life now. Security, Retail, E-Tolls everywhere RFID has bring in complete transformation. Really excited to be a part of this workshop and build my own RFID TAG.
    Smart Poster is I am really excited about.

  3. I have attended the last event on beacons too and it was informative. This is a good platform where people can learn and share their knowledge. I am pretty excited to attend this event too. Cheers. Keep tinkering.


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