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Motor Controller Using Webserial

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Controlling two DC motors using Web Serial involves setting up an ESP8266 or ESP32 microcontroller with motor drivers and a web server. The microcontroller serves web pages and handles commands sent via Web Serial from a browser. Motor control is achieved through functions that interpret commands like “forward”, “backward”, and “stop”. Each motor requires dedicated GPIO pins for direction control (using H-Bridge motor drivers) and PWM pins for speed control. The system ensures robust power management to handle motor currents and maintains communication integrity between the microcontroller and web browser for real-time control and monitoring.

Author’s Prototype


This setup enables remote operation and automation of DC motors, making it suitable for robotics, home automation, and industrial applications where precise motor control via a web interface is beneficial.

Bill of Materials (BoM)

Esp32Dev kit V11
Motor DriverL293D1
Motor9V Dc Motor2
Zumper WireAs required


#include <Arduino.h>

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#if defined(ESP8266)

  #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>

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  #include <ESPAsyncTCP.h>

#elif defined(ESP32)

  #include <WiFi.h>

  #include <AsyncTCP.h>


#include <ESPAsyncWebServer.h>

#include <WebSerial.h>

AsyncWebServer server(80);

const char* ssid = “Webserial”; // Your WiFi AP SSID

const char* password = “lkjhgfdsa2”; // Your WiFi Password

// Define motor control pins

const int motorPin1 = 4; // IN1

const int motorPin2 = 5; // IN2

const int enablePin = 27; // Enable pin (PWM)

const int motorPin3 = 14; // IN3

const int motorPin4 = 12; // IN4

const int enablePin2 = 13; // Enable pin for second motor (PWM)

// Message callback of WebSerial

void recvMsg(uint8_t *data, size_t len) {

  WebSerial.println(“Received Data…”);

  String command = “”;

  for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {

    command += char(data[i]);





void processCommand(String command) {

  if (command == “F”) {


  } else if (command == “B”) {


  } else if (command == “S”) {


  } else {

    WebSerial.println(“Unknown command”);



void moveForward() {

  digitalWrite(motorPin1, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);

  analogWrite(enablePin, 255); // Set speed to maximum

  digitalWrite(motorPin3, HIGH);

  digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);

  analogWrite(enablePin2, 255); // Set speed to maximum

  WebSerial.println(“Motors moving forward”);


void moveBackward() {

  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPin2, HIGH);

  analogWrite(enablePin, 255); // Set speed to maximum

  digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPin4, HIGH);

  analogWrite(enablePin2, 255); // Set speed to maximum

  WebSerial.println(“Motors moving backward”);


void stopMotor() {

  digitalWrite(motorPin1, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPin2, LOW);

  analogWrite(enablePin, 0); // Stop the first motor

  digitalWrite(motorPin3, LOW);

  digitalWrite(motorPin4, LOW);

  analogWrite(enablePin2, 0); // Stop the second motor

  WebSerial.println(“Motors stopped”);


 void setup() {


  // Initialize motor control pins

  pinMode(motorPin1, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motorPin2, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(enablePin, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motorPin3, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(motorPin4, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(enablePin2, OUTPUT);

  // Initialize WiFi AP

  WiFi.softAP(ssid, password);

  IPAddress IP = WiFi.softAPIP();

  Serial.print(“AP IP address: “);


  // Initialize WebSerial





void loop() {


  WebSerial.print(F(“IP address: “));


  WebSerial.printf(“Millis=%lu\n”, millis());

  WebSerial.printf(“Free heap=[%u]\n”, ESP.getFreeHeap());



Circuit Diagram


Connect all the components as per the given connections and then connect the ESP32 to your computer using a USB cable. Upload the code and connect your phone wifi with webserial then open a web browser on your mobile or laptop. Type ( and enter the commands in the webserial interface.

Use the following commands:

  • “F” to move forward
  • “B” to move backward
  • “S” to stop the motors

Author(s): Manjeet Vishwakarma,  Abhay Verma and Satywanti Kundu are B.Tech ECE students at GJUS&T HISAR


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