Thursday, December 26, 2024

Interfacing A Graphics LCD With The Microcontroller

[stextbox id=”grey”]

First argument                           Text home address (TH lower)

Second argument                        Text home address (TH upper)

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‘Text home address’ command     (40H)


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[/stextbox]For example, sending data ‘00H’ and ‘0FH’ and command ‘40H’ sets the text home address as ‘0F00H’ (shaded area address location) in the VRAM area. This is shown in Fig. 4.

Text area set (TA). This command defines the number of columns of text for the text area of VRAM. The text area (TA) may be set independently from the number of characters per line set by hardware settings on the T6963C controller chip. Connecting the FS pin to supply ground means you have selected 8×8 font size, which will allow up to 30 characters per line. However, TA can be programmed for even less than 30, but usually it is set to the same number of characters per line as the LCD module will display.

[stextbox id=”grey”]

First argument                          Number of columns of characters (TA)

Second argument                      (00H)

‘Text area’ command                  (41H)


For example, for 240×128 LCD with 8×8 font size selected, set TA=1EH.

Graphic home address set (GH). This command defines the starting address in the VRAM for graphics display area of VRAM (refer Fig. 4). The data stored in the graphics home (GH) address will be displayed in the first six or eight bits (without shaded area in Fig. 4) of the top line in the left-hand side of the LCD screen, depending on the font size selected. When using the attribute function, the GH address indicates the starting address for the attribute RAM area.

[stextbox id=”grey”]

First argument                         Graphic home address  (GH lower)

Second argument                     Graphic home address  (GH upper)

‘Text home address’ command    (42H)


Graphic area set (GA). This command defines the number of columns of graphics data for the graphics area of VRAM. The graphics area (GA) may be set independently from the number of characters per line set by hardware settings on T6963C controller chip. It is usual to set the GA to the same number of characters per line as the LCD module will display.

[stextbox id=”grey”]

First argument                    Number of columns (GA)

Second argument                (00H)

‘Text area’ command            (43H)


Description of ‘mode set’ commands (command byte only)

This command does not require any data byte.


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