The design uses a temperature sensor and BLE MCU for skin contact measurements, offering two modes: a long shelf life and iOS device monitoring.
A new solution has emerged in response to the growing demand for integrating sensors with modern wireless and cloud technologies. The Bluetooth-enabled high-accuracy skin temperature measurement flex patch offers a convenient wireless method for obtaining precise skin temperature readings. These readings can be seamlessly transmitted to Bluetooth-compatible devices like smartphones or tablets.
The TIDA-01624, a reference design from Texas Instruments (TI), utilises the TMP117 high-accuracy, low-power, digital temperature sensor, which makes direct contact with the skin. It sends 16-bit digital output data via I²C to the CC2640R2F SimpleLink Bluetooth low energy (BLE) wireless microcontroller (MCU). The CC2640R2F then transmits this data to a Bluetooth-connected device using Bluetooth protocol.
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