Smart Access To Replace Physical Keys

By Shivangi Kharoo


Electronic access has been made smarter and convenient.

Southco has launched a wireless access system featuring a smart access application, the Keypanion app, that lets users wirelessly actuate latches from their smartphones. The application’s aim is to reduce dependency on physical keys that are difficult to keep track of, and can be lost, stolen, or damaged.

 Users can set up their smart access system by downloading the Keypanion app, creating an account, and registering any compatible Southco latch. In case of requirement, latch access can be shared with the trusted people around the globe.

 The application allows shared access for the desired time span. Fourteen days of the device’s  history can be viewed, in the app, to see the details of all accessed accounts. The access can be shared or revoked, instantly.

Status of the latch (open or closed) can be monitored using a nearby device with the Keypanion app. The status comes with a timestamp indicating when it was last updated.

The combination of the Keypanion app, Southco Bluetooth controller, and compatible latch does not require a dedicated IT team to set up. It can be accessed using a smartphone, nearby, without much technical knowledge.