Rohde & Schwarz is extending the functional range of its R&S SMW200A vector signal generator to include the DVB-S2 satellite standard and its extension DVB-S2X. The R&S SMW200A with the new option provides a simple solution for testing components, devices and satellites that support these standards. It is the first single-device solution on the market to generate DVB-S2/DVB-S2X signals not only as IF signals below 6 GHz but also on transmission frequencies in the Ku band and other microwave bands up to 40 GHz.
DVB-S2 is the standard that delivers digital satellite TV to millions of end users. The DVB-S2X extension is already in the starting block and features higher transmission rates to support UHD/4K picture resolution. The standard defines modulation and physical characteristics tailored to the transmission of digital data between satellite and earth. This makes DVB-S2 and DVB-S2X optimal for TV signal transmission and for data transmission via commercial and government satellite systems. These transmissions are not limited to the Ku band; they are often found on the Ka band.
The R&S SMW200A vector signal generator with the new R&S SMW-K116 software option can provide DVB-S2/DV-S2X signals at symbol rates up to 600 Msymbol/s. The new option supports all MODCOD configurations defined in ETSI EN 302 307-1 V1.4.1 and ETSI EN 302 307-2 V1.1.1 and allows users to test components such as amplifiers and filters, complete modules and receivers integrated in terminal devices.
With a maximum output frequency of 40 GHz, the R&S SMW200A is the first single-device solution that can test RF frontends and components operating at the target frequency. The R&S SMW200A delivers the physically correct signals required for these tests and eliminates the need for complex setups involving multiple instruments and an external PC for signal generation.
The R&S SMW-K116 option for the R&S SMW200A vector signal generator is now available from Rohde & Schwarz.
Hi how r u R &S by germany its DVBS systems having alot of problums such as system going to desink such time it didnot acuring the satalite or its antena direction change it lose the satalite
any one help me
And can vector signal generator help me