Monday, March 3, 2025

Innovative STEM Education Platform Based On Stereoscopic 3D Tech

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Developed by an Indian tech startup, the learning solution helps high school students gain a deeper understanding of science subjects

Over the years, STEM education has come a long way. Earlier, the learning was limited to just books, which at times were hard to obtain. But with the arrival of the internet, now there is a wealth of online resources. It is well known that many students in Indian high schools struggle to grasp complex theoretical topics mentioned in science textbooks. Alas, they resort to rote learning, which for some manages to provide good grades. It, however, creates a lack of proper understanding, eventually leading students to opt out of the discipline afterwards. 

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But this might change in the future thanks to a new form of learning aided by stereoscopic 3D technology. This technology has widely been used in 3D cinematography to generate real-like visuals in a movie. Without going too much into the details, here’s how it works. Stereoscopic 3D technology leverages the fact that the human visual system gathers different image descriptions via the eyes. The wavelengths transmitted by a 2D image are filtered by a polarised glass, which is then processed and combined by the brain to give an illusion of image depth or 3D image.

How 3D visualisation helps learn electronics better?

In the absence of practical exposure, students of STEM subjects generally find the visualisation of an object’s working to be hard. With respect to studying electronics, this becomes even more challenging. Textbook explanations regarding the creation of electrical charges and their flow in a circuit leave many confused. Answering these questions is Genius 3D Learning, an innovative solution by Saras-3D Inc. that claims to provide an innovative learning experience through interactive visualisation, allowing students to gain a deeper understanding of science and mathematics concepts. 

“The fundamental understanding of various electronic components and their terminologies are covered in the NCERT curriculum from 10th grade. Saras-3D meets this requirement by providing engaging, real-life-like 3D simulations in an interactive format. Students can learn about circuits in this virtual 3D lab environment, connect them, and measure the current and voltage with appropriate meters. For a higher understanding of various electricity concepts, students are presented with various simulations and practicals in the 10+2 grades, satisfying their appetite for learning,” says Kashyap Mankad, Founding member and technical director, 3D EdTech (Saras 3D). “Moreover, students can also learn about various modes of communication (space, sky, and ground waves). It also focuses on the production of AM waves via simulation. Semiconductor physics, a prevalent industry in the 21st century, is covered, including diodes and transistors.”

Having said that, the solution also encompasses advanced topics in electrical science including Electromagnetic Induction in greater detail. For example, eddy currents, self-inductance, DC motor and mutual induction are explained with virtual simulations/animations and allow student interaction in real-time.

He further explains, “The chapter on AC circuits gives you a peek into the world of Alternating Currents and how they behave with the combination of different components like Inductors, Capacitors, etc. The student is empowered to visualise phasor diagrams and waveforms in real-time in all the cases. The transient oscillations give a brief introduction to electrical oscillations and transformers give a detailed animation about the construction and working of transformers.” 

Throughout the chapters, utmost care has been taken to not only cover the syllabus but also convey the ideas in detail with respect to its relevance in daily life usage and established practices.

“Genius 3D Learning is the product of years of research and development on creating a learning solution that lays the right foundation for learning and acquisition of knowledge to shape the students of today into the STEM innovators and problem-solvers of tomorrow, empowering them to compete and succeed globally. It democratises high-quality education, making it available to all and is designed to empower the curious and ambitious minds of today,” said Bipin Dama, Founder & CEO, Saras-3D, Inc. 


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