This calculator will convert voltage or power gains into decibels. Enter one of the three values and the calculator will output the other two.
This Decibel (DB) Calculator convert a voltage or power gain into decibels. This can be useful to express gains on a logarithmic scale and can also make arithmetic easier, as decibels can be added instead of multiplied. For instance, it can be applied to represent the gain of a linear system across frequencies in a Bode plot, facilitating clearer analysis and understanding.
Convert Voltage or Power Gain to Decibels
To convert voltage or power gains to decibels, you can use the below formula:
- NdBÂ = The power or voltage gain expressed in decibels
- AVÂ = The voltage gain of the system
- APÂ = The power gain of the system
Further, the voltage and power gains of the system can be expressed as:
- VOUTÂ = The system output voltage level
- VINÂ = The system input voltage level
- POUTÂ = The system output power level
- PINÂ = The system input power level
Technically, decibels are a measurement unit for a power ratio. However, because the power is proportional to the square of the voltage, we can express the power gain as a function of the voltage ratio (AV) as shown above.